Sometimes Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: The Catholic World celebrates the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary annually on the 15th of August. document.write( '' ); This image is created out of His love for us, not just for us to receive, but also to be a witness of it. In fact, when you consider the recent events that had just occurred in her life, to say that she had to address several Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: We are drawing close to celebrating the Solemnity of the Lords Nativity, Christmas Day, on December 25th. 2-26-23 Bulletin. addy3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70 = addy3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70 + 'saintphilip' + '.' + 'com'; The winners of the charity raffle draw were: As a result of this years Charity Raffle the Knights will be donating $2,000 to the Richmond Food Bank, $1,500 to St. Philip Church and $500 to St. Clare Mission. Es ms fcil dar una taza de arroz para aliviar el hambre que aliviar la soledad y el dolor de alguien que no se quiere en nuestra propia casa. Stay connected. . Please download the bilingual Stations of the Cross booklet here so you can print it or follow along using your device. View our full schedule of Masses, and reconciliation/ confession times. contact the parish office at 714.525.2500, to see about serving during Mass as an altar server. Spirit Filled Media is collaborating with the Diocese of Orange to bring local Catholic programming to parishioners in the Diocese and beyond. 1573 Elaine Rd Columbus, OH 43227 614-237-1671 Daily Office Hrs 9-1 Masses Monday & Thursday 9 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-20-2021, Revised St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-20-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-13-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-6-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-2-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-16-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-9-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-2 -2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-28-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-21-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-14-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-7-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-31-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-17-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-26-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-19-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-12-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-5-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-29-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-15-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-8-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-1-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-17-2022, -St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-16-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-9-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-2-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-26-2021, 2021 Advent and Christmas service dates and times, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-26-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-29-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-22-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-15-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-8-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-1-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-27-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-13-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-6-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-23-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-16-2021, St Philip and 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7-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-5-2020 (2), St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-28-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-21-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-14-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-7-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-31-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-24-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-17-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-10-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-3-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit 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11-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-04-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-07-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-02-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-26-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-19-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-12-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-05-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-17-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-10-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-03-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-27-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-20-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-13-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-6-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-7-2018, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-31-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin12-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-01-7, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-18-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-4-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-28-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-14-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-7-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-30-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin EASTER 4-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-09-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-02-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-17, March 12, 2015 Lenten Morning of Reflection. It is Pauls famous hymn to love from first Corinthians. Since they are in a pdf format, they may take a minute or two to load. For more information, contact Riley Moore, Saint Philip Church622 Putnam Pike ~ Greenville, RI 02828 P:(401) 949-1500 ~ E:This email address is being protected from spambots. San Ignacio de Loyola nos ensea que la expectativa de Dios de amar como l no es slo cuando es conveniente o sin recibir recompensa alguna a cambio, sino cuando realmente puede ser un desafo, Ensanos a dar y a dar sin medida. But Read More, RISEN LORD FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: The gospel we heard proclaimed at the Easter Vigil Mass is a familiar one. You will be receiving tickets in the mail in mid February. It pulls the four Gospels into a new video series about Jesus Christ and His disciples. 2023 The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a corp. sole. Familias de Fe. St. Theresa of Calcutta challenges us to move past this difficulty, It is easy to love people far away. But it is a lesson that Read More, A CHILD IS BORN CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF CHRIST FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: Todays gospel is the only place in the New Testament where we see Jesus as a teenager. But not all waiting is the same. Seminar sessions include "Is This Normal?" Social Concerns Committee. This wonderful experience is certainly family friendly and necessary! June 2023 . //--> BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: God is doing whatever it Read More, Third Sunday of Lent "During Lent, let us find concrete ways to overcome our indifference." St. Philip of Jesus Catholic Church 142 E Lambert St, San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 226-5024 Copyright 2022 Mission Statement. Ethics Point; Walking with Moms in Need. To read the latest bulletin, check out some of our organizations, donate via our online. POPE FRANCIS FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: I would like to tell you a story today about four Read More, Second Sunday of Lent Fasting makes sense if it really chips away at our security, and as a consequence, benefits someone else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the good Samaritan who bent Read More, First Sunday of Lent And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: In 1922 Marjorie Williams Read More, FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: This is the last Sunday before Lent. It was so nice to Read More, THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST The one who feeds on this bread shall live forever FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: The Eucharist is not simply something we receive; it is Read More, THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Father Son Holy Spirit FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: It was perhaps the most painful appointment I've ever experienced in my priesthood. Bobs Homily for Sunday, February 12, 2023, Bulletins of February 5 & February 12, 2023, Blessed Are You Fr. It is, therefore, our responsibility as a parish to embrace all the Christian faithful in our community and to assist our pastor in his ministry of Christ. More information coming soon. In my own family, my younger sister Michele, died at the age of 11 after a long illness Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: As we begin the unofficial end of summer weekend, our thoughts turn to school, homework and hopefully a return to "normal." **For advertisement on the back page of the bulletin, please contact Sheena LeBron at Discipleship in action is serving God. Men's Welcome Retreat Men's Welcome Retreat is March 11 & 12 Sign-up in the gathering area of church. Its safe and secure Click Here, 622 Putnam Pike Greenville, RI 02828P: (401) 622 Putnam Pike Greenville, RI 02828P: (401) This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. The Mens Club Annual Fish Fry is March 31st. All-Day Confessionsare scheduled for Saturday April 1st from 8:30 AM to 3 PM. Saint Peter was already looking up his record in the Read More, FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: Fr. Jesus says that to enter the kingdom Read More, FROM FATHER NICO Dear Friends, How providential I am writing to you for the first time this weekend, the second anniversary of my wonderful time with all of you. In English Read More, Divine Mercy Sunday FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: One of the most common symbols of Easter is the Easter egg. Get the reading plan and podcast here. Mass Times at St. Clare Mission: Families of Faith. If you would like to reach the nearly 30,000 households that subscribe to Rhode Island Catholic, please call 401.272.1010. St. Philip Neri Catholic School 6600 Kawanee Avenue | Metairie, LA 70003 Phone (504) 887-5600 Fax (504) 456-6857 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY We live at a time when divorce is common and acceptable in most countries Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, There are many things we could discuss about this long and difficult parable about the rich man and Lazarus. At one point, he asked the people: Is there anybody here who wants to go to heaven? First there is the image of the narrow gate. Tuesday 4:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 am Ask for Him to open your mind and heart to His will and renew your commitment to the actions of Giving, Praying and Serving. This event includes meeting players after the game. Festival. But such a Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Jesus throws out this image right at the beginning of todays gospel. Mass & Confession Times. Please tune in to listen to deacon Tony and Rosie Mercado on the New podcast show "Called to Serve". Yet, we can sometimes think that the best way to love a person is to change them, especially from the wrong that they are doing, or the hurt that they are causing. Polish (TBD) (Please call the Parish Office) Syro-Malabar 12:30 pm Keep up-to-date on St. Philip Neri news and upcoming events. A sense of hope and newness is Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Is there anyone who can teach us as Jesus does? Monday - Friday: 8am and 7pm Saturday: 8am.