Dont Miss: What Are The Main Causes Of Kidney Failure. Sprite Zero doesn't have any health perks. Keep your intake of soda to a minimum and make sure that the majority of your beverages are water, teas, or juices. If you're at risk of kidney stones, you've got some important choices when it comes to beverages. Nov. 2, 2009 Diet soda may help keep your calories in check, but drinking two or more diet sodas a day may double your risk of declining kidney function, a new study shows. Earlier Danish research supports these findings. And it isn t even related to caffeine. Ginger ale, lemon-lime sodas, and fruit juices are also OK. Is cucumber good for the kidneys? Researchers do know that phosphorus acidifies urine. Just keep an eye on how much youre drinking and you should be good. Summary. It is also important to realize that drinking too much Sprite Zero can lead to dehydration. Here's something you didn't know about your diet soda: It might be bad for your kidneys. Consumption of 500ml of a commercially available soft drink, sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup increased vascular resistance in the kidneys within 30 minutes, the researchers found. Here are five of my favorite drinks that are generally healthy for people with kidney disease: Black coffee: Every year, there seems to be a new study that publicizes the benefits of coffee. Very healthy and numerous health benefits. I grew up calling it soda in the East, then I moved to the Midwest and became a pop convert. There are several side effects of drinking coca cola every day. This rate is an important indicator of your kidney's functioning status. Thats a lot less than what youd find in a cup of coffee, which can contain anywhere from 95 to 200 milligrams of caffeine. Tea is calorie-free and sugar-free. In addition, a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that those who drank a soda every day had a 23 percent increase in the chance of forming kidney stones. Cream soda. When drinking Sprite Zero, be sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water to replenish lost fluids. Nearly 37 million Americans suffer from chronic kidney disease, according to the National Kidney Foundation. Recommended Reading: Grapes And Kidney Stones. It is a light, zero-calorie soft drink that contains carbonated water and food additives such as sodium citrate, natural flavors, and sodium benzoate. This artificial sweetener has been linked to multiple serious health challenges. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. In addition to this, Gatorade can also have adverse affects on the kidneys. Excess soda can contribute to weight gain and increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes, which also raises your odds for kidney disease. Consuming HFCS has been linked to causing plaque build up, hypertension, heart disease and strokes. Does Sprite Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup? One sip of it added to my Diet Dr. Pepper, and I was totally and completely hooked. One serving of The Dew has 11 teaspoons of sugar. The main reason why you should avoid drinking carbonated beverages or cola beverages is that they have been associated with diabetes . It might also help to cut back on colas. Its important to keep drinking it in moderation and make sure that its just one part of an overall healthy diet. But if youre worried about consuming too much artificial sweetener, its best to limit your intake of Sprite Zero. By limiting your intake to 1 or 2 servings per day, you can stay hydrated without consuming unnecessary sugar or calories. All rights reserved. According to British pharmacist Niraj Naik, the intense sweetness of Coca-Cola should make a person throw up as soon as it enters the body, but the phosphoric acid dulls the sweetness, allowing people to keep the drink down. Caffeine can cause problems with sleep, so its important to limit the amount of Sprite Zero you drink. You May Like: Is Sprite Zero Bad For Your Kidneys This can be achieved in the majority of patients by alkalinizing the urine using oral bicarbonate preparations , and drinking plenty of oral fluids to keep the urine dilute. Aspartame has also been linked to certain cancers (there has been a 300% increase in brain cancers since its release as well as increases in non-Hodgkins lymphoma and leukemia). From here, take the following steps: Once youve created your meal plan, click Create meal plan to save it. In fact, one 12-ounce can of Sprite Zero contains 35 milligrams of sodium. Sprite Zero contains many essential vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and phosphorus, which help with muscle, nerve and bone health. Remember to drink Sprite Zero in moderation for the best health benefits. And of course, water should always be part of everyones daily routine. Sprite soda is available in 7.5 oz mini cans, 12 oz cans, 16.9 oz bottles, 20 oz bottles, 2-liter bottles, 12 oz bottle 8 packs, and a variety of multi-packs. The two studies included a total of 25 healthy men and women, with an average age of 22 to 24. Moderation is key when it comes to enjoying Sprite Zero, so enjoy it in moderation and stay healthy! As phosphorus is found naturally in many foods, it is more common for people to have too much phosphorus in the body. This is because Sprite Zero contains caffeine, sodium and artificial sweeteners, which can have a negative effect on your kidneys if consumed in excess. Sprite Zero is carbonated, and can cause bloating and gas. They fail to satisfy cravings and often intensify hunger. When it comes to Sprite, moderation is key. The fake sugars are all connected to illnesses and I wouldn't want them in my body. So if youre looking to avoid added sugars, Sprite could be an option. When researchers at the University of Texas Health Science . The most common alternative used for diet beverages is aspartame, which has been linked to headaches, nausea, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms. Uric acid stones are formed by a diet high in animal proteins, or from excessive uric acid production from within the body. Over a month, that's 8,400 fewer calories, enough to lose almost two and a half pounds. Consumption of milk and juices other than orange juice did not significantly affect the likelihood . A . I have also seen these syrups in World Market and Gordmans if those stores are near you. Sugar-sweetened drinks included soda, fruit juices, punch, and iced tea. However, not all sodas that use artificial sweeteners are low in calories or sugar-free. But, nothing can beat the feeling of gulping down that fizzy and refreshing soda after a busy, sunny day. Any idea? If you love diet coke or any other diet soda we might have some bad news for you. 'N' stands for neutral. Sprite Zero doesnt contain any nutrients, so its best to make sure that youre also consuming enough other nutrient-rich drinks and food throughout the day. Reviewing the pros and cons of carbonated water versus flat water can help you decide which beverage to go for. These include tooth decay, increased risk of diabetes, and weight gain. Most people with hyperphosphatemia dont manifest symptoms. Shots-Medical News Diet drinks may be detrimental to your kidneys: Women who consumed two or more diet sodas per day had a two-fold increase in the likelihood of a major decline in their kidneys ability to filter blood, according to the study. They change the formula every now and again with variations including: Zero Sugar , Cherry Cola flavor Ginger Ale variant Sprits Tropical frappuchinoThere are many types for different moods such as zero calorie. Why is Coke Zero bad? Sodium, and artificial sweeteners can all have a negative impact on your kidney health if consumed in excess. Luckily, carbonated water can replace a soda addiction and provide similar liver health benefits to water. Recommended Reading: Can You Have 4 Kidneys, Read Also: Can Apple Cider Vinegar Hurt Your Kidneys, Women Who Drink 2 or More Diet Sodas Daily Double Their Risk of Kidney Function Decline, Study Shows. It doesnt have any vitamins, minerals, or fiber, so its not going to do anything to help your nutrition or health. Furthermore, another problem with Sprite Zero is that it contains an artificial sweetener called aspartame, and thats been reportedly connected to several health issues. Doing so will help you stay hydrated, provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals, and support weight management. In fact, compared with women who did not drink diet soda, soda-drinking women had a 30% greater reduction in kidney function in 20 years. This particular drink was all I drank while I was pregnant with our youngest. Thats especially true, she says, because most study participants had well-preserved kidney function at the start of the study. As illustrations, we use what we most love. Its important to take into account the other potential risks related to drinking Sprite Zero, such as the impact on your kidneys and other organs. According to the American Kidney Fund, a recent study suggests that drinking two or more carbonated sodas, diet or regular, each day may increase your risk for chronic kidney disease. Moderation is extremely important. In general, run this list by your Dietitian to confirm that it is applicable to YOUR unique circumstances. More than 3,000 women have participated in the study for 20 years or more now the womens median age is 67 years. Remember: each person with kidney disease should stick to the food and fluid plan you discussed with your doctor and dietitian, as it addresses your specific kidney function, fluid needs and electrolyte imbalances . So, although something may be rated an 'A+', overconsumption/overdoing can bring unwanted effects. Sugar-free carbonated beverages can result in diminished kidney function. There is no evidence that drinking Sprite Zero is bad for your kidneys. Sprite is a lemon-lime soda produced by Coca-Cola Company. The main difference between Sprite and Coca Cola is the type and quantity of sweetening agents they use to make them sweet. Further research is needed to analyze the potential biological causes and long-term health risks for children exposed to artificially sweetened sodas in the womb. There is sodium added to these sports drinks that has to pass through the kidneys before they are excreted with the rest of the fluids. Hyperphosphatemia refers to abnormally elevated serum phosphate levels as a result of decreased phosphate excretion or increased phosphate intake. At the start of the study, all the women had healthy kidney function, according . Up to 12 glasses of water a day, or as your healthcare provider advises, can help to flush away the substances that form stones in the kidneys. Combining the two also creates a chemical reaction that produces gas. Water is is also counted, but is necessary for essential body functions. It can increase your chances of developing metabolic syndrome, which in turn is a major factor in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease. Therefore, this mixture may cause gas and bloating in people who ingest it before all the gas has escaped. While the amount of sodium may not be very high, it can still add up if you drink a lot of Sprite Zero. Doing so can help you avoid the potential risks associated with excessive soda consumption. As long as you limit your consumption and dont go overboard, it can be enjoyed as an occasional treat. A recent study analyzed the diets of 15 368 people and found that the risk of developing end stage kidney disease. Christopher Chapman, of the University at Buffalo in New York, and colleagues explained that vascular resistance occurs when blood vessels constrict, reducing blood flow in the kidneys and increasing blood pressure and impairing kidney function. Really. Drinking Sprite Zero may have some potential risks that you should keep in mind. There is no evidence to suggest that Coke Zero is bad for your kidneys. Moderation also helps protect your kidneys, as excessive amounts of sugar and other ingredients in the soda can lead to health issues. Sprite Zero can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, but moderation is key. The recommendation calls for achieving at least 2 liters of urine a day. You can let the infused water sit for 1-2 hours at room temperature, at fridge temp for 3-4 hours, or up to 12 hours to increase fruity/tangy flavor. Studies now show that the impact on our kidneys, in particular, is cause for major concern. Its important to drink Sprite Zero in moderation and to always brush your teeth after consuming it. A sugar replacement called erythritol - used to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monkfruit and keto reduced-sugar products - has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack . Another nasty ingredient in Sprite Zero is potassium benzoate. Its important to note that Sprite Zero does not contain any nutrition. It is important to remember that it still contains sodium, caffeine and other ingredients that could potentially have an effect on your health. Orange juice reduced risk by 12%. We will also get rid of ads forever! Very healthy and numerous health benefits. Category 'D' is typically for things that are more harmful than beneficial. When it comes to this category, it is important to keep this word in mind: moderation. Its important to note that although the study showed a connection between drinking diet drinks and losing kidney function over time, it did not prove cause and effect. What drinks are bad for the kidneys? Because of the presence of this preservative in salad dressings, sodas, and fruit juice, it is almost inevitable that this combination will occur in most peoples diets. When discussing how Sprite can affect your kidneys, it is important to note that there are two types of Sprite available regular and diet. Harmful to your health. Very healthy and numerous health benefits. 11 Benefits. In fact, soda can be just as damaging to the teeth as meth2. When it comes to your kidneys, Sprite Zero is not considered bad for them. Drinking one diet drink a a day can triple your risk of dementia and strokes. Also, diet colas, some root beers and orange sodas have phosphoric acid which could increase your phosphorus and require taking more binders. Bananas are not bad for the kidneys unless the kidneys are damaged. As a nephrologist and Kidney Kitchen contributor, drink-related questions are some of the most common questions I get. Overall beneficial to your health. It can also increase your risk of developing kidney stones. Although the researchers werent able to determine exactly why this would be the case, some possible explanations include increased acidity due to the use of phosphoric acid as a preservative in diet drinks or reduced calcium intake due to additional calories from sodium consumed by those who drink them. If you do drink regular sodaand the idea of going off soda cold-turkey sounds impossibleswitch, then ditch, your soda. Aspartame consists of aspartic acid and phenylalanine, which when broken down in the system produces methanol, which can be toxic in high amounts. While the answer may seem obvious artificial sweeteners contain no sugar some people still believe there may be an effect. Remember: always consult your health professional -- nephrologist or dietitian -- with regards to your daily fluid limits. Is Dr Pepper Zero Bad For You. The Canada Dry brand of Ginger Ales uses real extract from grated fresh root powder to give their product its signature spiciness while still remaining gluten free . Things rated a 'B' may have some harmful qualities to pay attention to. In order to stay healthy, its important to drink Sprite Zero in moderation. Organic juices and natural sodas with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives are a wonderful substitute. However, these sugary beverages are harmful for your kidneys, a fact that many of us are already aware of. Sprite Zero contains no added sugars, so it is a healthier alternative to most sodas. Last week, I started an experiment to better understand how different foods and lifestyle choices impact blood sugar, using a constant-glucose-monitoring device. Probably not. CNN . Kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body, responsible for filtering and regulating the bodys fluids and waste. Though there are no known health risks associated with drinking Sprite Zero, its still wise to practice moderation when it comes to consuming any kind of soda. Is Ginger Ale Caffeine Free. Cutting back on sugary drinks can reduce your risk of developing kidney problems. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Its best to think of Sprite Zero like any other sugary soda. Long-term consumption of sugary drinks can increase your risk of developing diabetes, which in turn can lead to further damage to the kidneys. Answer (1 of 3): All sodas are chemical shit storms and should not be drank by any living being. Its not an optimal choice for hydration because it contains artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Sodas. One of the main ingredients . Drinking coffee my favorite morning beverage may help protect you from developing kidney disease and keep your kidneys filtering at a higher level . The problem with regular sodas isn't just the calories. I have a confession to make I craved frozen coke during my pregnancy. It's only downfall was 35g of sugar that would supply a blood sugar rise of 100 points. Certain beverages lower risk, while others sharply increase risk. However, the fullness may prevent you from drinking more, which is why flat water is a better option if you are dehydrated. Drinking plenty of water and limiting your intake of Sprite Zero can help support healthy kidney function. When it comes to drinking Sprite and other sugary drinks, moderation is key. These effects include hyperactivity, dizziness, insomnia, DNA damage and significant neurologic disease such as Parkinsons. Beer reduced kidney stone risk by 41%. Is Sprite a Good Option for Ulcer Patients. HERES THE NUMBER OF SODA CANS THAT CAN DAMAGE YOUR KIDNEYS: Well, most of us want to say no to sodas and those fizzy drinks as we know they are harmful for us. There was a small animal study that found consuming only carbonated water caused an increase in ghrelin. Moderation is very important. 11 years later it is my choice of pop. Read Also: Is Cranberry Juice Good For Your Kidneys And Liver, is a one-stop resource for everything you need to know about kidneys. Therefore, Sprite Zero could be considered low in sodium. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration deemed it GRAS generally recognized as safe in 1977. While Sprite or other sugary drinks can contribute to weight gain and obesity, both of which might pose risks to kidney health, there is no evidence that consuming Sprite in moderate amounts will directly cause any kidney damage. How does sugar affect the kidneys? Moderation is important. Very beneficial to your health. Over time, this can lead to kidney stones, kidney disease, and even kidney failure. If you feel like drinking Sprite to get your day going right then its because they have a lot of syrup! Studies have shown the preservative can cause hives, irritation in the mouth, and even DNA damage. Also Check: Is Grape Juice Good For Kidney Stones. Women who drank two or more diet sodas a day had a 30% drop in a measure of kidney function during the lengthy study follow-up, according to research presented Saturday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology in San Diego. If you're looking for a healthier alternative to traditional sodas, Sprite Zero is a good option. In Sprite they use sugar and artificial sweeteners while in Coke only sugar is used to make it sweet (there is a Coke Zero version as well with no added sugar but here we are only focusing on Coca Cola Classic). You May Like: Is Pomegranate Juice Good For Your Kidneys. Most of these stones can be prevented from making the urine less acidic which results in the uric acid being in a dissolved state. So, treating yourself occasionally to a diet soda is fine, but its beneficial to make water your drink of choice. Alcohol negatively affects the body part in the following ways. Carbonated water improves digestion and helps constipation, so that empties the stomach and could possibly make someone feel hungry. Too much sugar can lead to weight gain, cavities, and a host of other health problems. The urinary system is especially affected by soda consumption. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Consuming more than one sweetened drink per day can increase your risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic diseases. Ok, quick questiondo you call it pop or soda??? Kidney damage can be caused by living an unhealthy lifestyle, so the best way to protect your kidneys is to maintain a healthy . Spindrift is the first and only sparkling water brand in America made with real fruit, which is picked from family farms, squeezed, and canned. In one place, Is Diet Soda Bad for Your Kidneys? It doesn't affect them directly but the sugary beverage does increase your risk of kidney stones. Aspartame, its been said, can lead to certain types of cancer and may cause symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, seizures, palpitations, and more. Effects of High Potassium. Why is Sprite Zero bad? It usually has very few to no calories and no significant nutrition. This summer I discovered all the syrups at Sonic that you can add to your pop or slushies. Coke Zero and other diet sodas are linked to alterations in the gut microbiome and an increased risk of osteoporosis and heart and kidney disease. Drinking large amounts of Sprite or drinks containing large amounts of sugars, artificial sweeteners, or other additives may be harmful to your kidneys. Did you know ? In addition, many sodas are high in caffeine which is a diuretic that encourages chronic dehydration, which is the most common risk factor for kidney stone formation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Recommended Reading: Is Drinking Green Tea Good For Your Kidneys. More studies need to be performed. This condition is called hyperglycemia, which poses a significant health risk when you have CKD. While recipes differ from brand to brand, some common ingredients in diet soda include: Diet soda is a mixture of carbonated water, artificial or natural sweeteners, colors, flavors, and extra components like vitamins or caffeine. And heavy soda drinkers put themselves at increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease due to the staggeringly high levels of fructose in the average soda.Phosphorus-Linked Kidney Damage. What are the potential health effects of drinking Sprite Zero? Drinking one diet soda daily did not decrease kidney function more than normal. The main purpose of the urological system is to flush out toxins from the body, a process that is heavily . Sprite Zero contains no sugar or calories and is a great, guilt-free alternative to other sugary drinks.